Customer Warranty Registration

Please complete this form to activate your product warranty. Without this form being completed your warranty will not be activated and your purchase will not be covered by the warranty.

  • Transaction Details

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Your Details

  • Product Performance

    When purchasing your products your dealer was required to explain some of the basic principles and limitations of installing a premium high power audio system into your vehicle. Please complete the following section to indicate if these items were dicussed with your prior to installation.
  • What make and model vehicle was your purchased installed into?
  • Satisfaction Rating

    Please confirm your level of satisfaction for each of the below.
  • How would you rate the overall quality of the installation by your dealer?
  • Please rate your experience with your dealer during the purchasing and installation process.
  • Please rate the courteousness of your dealer during the installtion process.
  • Please provide us with any further feedback, comments, or suggestions you may have.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.